St. George’s Catholic Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility
All children have a right to be cared for and protected, protecting them is everyone’s responsibility. Here at St. George’s Catholic Primary School, we have a duty of care to ensure that all users of the school are kept safe from harm. We are committed to provide a secure and supportive environment in which children can develop and grow into mature and responsible people. Safeguarding children is an essential part of our holistic approach to ensure that children are protected from abuse and neglect and that every child reaches their full potential.
The best interests of the children will always be our priority. As such, there are times we will need to record, monitor and share information with other agencies. We will share concerns about our pupils with the child’s parents/carers unless we have reason to believe that such a move would not be in the child’s best interest.
Safeguarding Role
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Sue Cannella
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Jeanine Durbin Emma Rawlings
Assistant Head
Designated Safeguarding Link Governor
Tony Cutler
Foundation Governor
All members of St. George’s staff where blue lanyards. Governors wear orange lanyards whilst other visitors to school who have appropriate clearance (DBS CHECK) wear green lanyards. Visitors to the school without a DBS will wear red lanyards.
What you can do
Parents and carers play a role in safeguarding children in their community. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, you should report them to someone who you trust will listen. The school is required to have a designated child protection officer for this purpose. Parents and children should speak to the safeguarding officer if they have any concerns about a child or staff member.
If you think a child or young person may be in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise contact the Wiltshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 456 0108.
Out of Hours Emergency Duty Service call 0300 456 0100
Child Protection
Safeguarding/Child Protection information leaflet for parents and families
Intimate Care Policy
Staff behaviour policy 2024
Child protection policy 2024
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused or neglected
KCSIE 2024
The Prevent Duty
Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) advice for parents
Resources for Children
Anti Bullying Policy & Charter
Support Agencies for Children and Young People
A Safeguarding Policy for Children