Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2012 with the aim of providing schools with the resources with which to implement strategies to address educational inequalities such as the existing attainment and emotional development gap, between socio-economic groups. It is additional funding, paid to local authorities by means of a specific grant, and allocated to children who: are either currently eligible for Free School Meals or who have been eligible in the past 6 years; been looked after for more than 6 months: are children of parents who serve, or who have served in the armed forces in the past 3 years, in recognition of the additional support that their school must provide, e.g. mentoring. Schools are considered to be best placed to assess the additional provision that be made for individual pupils within their responsibility and have, therefore, been given freedom over how they spend the PPG.
At St George's Catholic Primary School:
We aim to ensure that teaching and learning opportunities focus on the needs of all pupils.
We aim to ensure that pupils who belong to vulnerable groups receive appropriate provision for their needs and this includes socially disadvantaged children.
We recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and that that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals.
At St George's School we allocate parts of the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has identified as being socially disadvantaged. Pupil Premium funding is allocated following a needs analysis which identifies key year groups, groups or individuals and as a result, this means that not all children receiving Pupil Premium funding will receive interventions at one time.