Charging Policy
Parents are asked to make a contribution towards the cost of additional activities which enhance the curriculum such as school trips, theatre groups and other visiting specialists. These areas of spending are not covered by the Local Education Authority or the Clifton Diocese. Without the continued generosity and support of the parents these activities would not be possible. It is the school’s policy that no child will be excluded on grounds of financial difficulty.
After school activity clubs, which are run by the school are free of charge. A charge may be made for any After School Clubs run by external providers to cover costs incurred. Out of school child care clubs: Current charges for Breakfast Club and Little Dragons After School Club can be found here.
Details of our Charging and Remissions policy can be found here.
We are a cashless school and all payments are made through the School Gateway.
Music Tuition
Instrumental tuition is an extra-curricular chargeable activity. Parents will be notified of tuition costs at the beginning of each school year. The school makes no charge when the pupil is under the care of the Local Authority.
Residential Trips
Residential trips are organised for year 5 and 6 children most years. Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of the trip, however parents in receipt of some benefits may be exempt from paying some or all of the cost.. Parents should contact Mrs Phillips , School Business Manager, if financial help is needed towards the cost of school trips.