St. Elizabeth's Class

Class Teacher:  Mrs C Ellis
Teaching Assistant:  Mrs E Blagdon/Mrs S Salmons

Welcome to Year 3 and 4 at St George's Catholic Primary School.  I am delighted to be teaching the year 3 and 4 children this academic year.  This page gives you an overview of the National Curriculum for Year 3 and Year 4 and the topic areas we will focus on in our learning this term. 

Details of the DFE’s Primary Curriculum can be found by clicking here

Autumn Term 2023

Year 3/4 Autumn term Newsletter

Romans Topic Web Autumn term

Romans POWer Project Autumn term

Spring Term 2024

Year 3/4 Spring term Newsletter

Tomb Raiders Essential Knowledge Spring term

Tomb Raiders POWer Project Spring term

In the Autumn term we visited the Roman  Baths in Bath and learned how Romans lived.  We have also has a Roman day in school where the children dressed up as Romans and took part in lots of Roman based activities.